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Makenna Van Raalte

Artist Statement

Story-telling is the lens through which I have chosen to see the world. 
In all things, in love, in war, in family struggle, in pain and joy and the laughter of a child on a swing set, there is a story. It may not be one that we know, but it is a story nonetheless. 
I believe that all stories deserve to be told. And I believe that all stories deserve to be heard. 
Through my life, I hope to be the person who listens, whose ears and mind are open to conversation, to history, to learning about the past or the future or the present. 
Storytelling has shaped the human experience. From our birth onto this planet as a species, we have sat around the fire and spoken to one another, forging tales from long ago or from far away lands. We have created worlds and gods and taught lessons and made each other laugh. 
Despite the many things that have changed over time, that has stayed the same. We read books, we watch TV, we check the news, we skim through the biography at the beginning of a recipe from a food blog. 
I find all of it beautiful. I hope I continue to do so. 
I will continue to be a storyteller, in the many forms that can take. I want to bring forth worlds of my own creation, I want to meditate on my past, I want to think excitedly on my future. And I want to offer others the space to do the same.
I want to participate in storytelling from more angles than simply doing the creating. I want to sit down in the audience and engage. I want to pour over every word, I want to close my eyes and listen to the music, I want to ask questions, laugh and cry, and most importantly, I want to learn.
I find that one of the most valuable, essential pieces of storytelling is the knowledge that there is so much you can take from it. I will never know everything, but I want so badly to understand as much as I can, and even then I will never get close. 

The artistic space is one that can become a home to anyone. 
It is up to us as a family in this shared home to fixate our eyes on what is good, and fight back against what is harmful. Although sometimes a good fight comes in the guise of indifference. 
I will not sell out. 
I want to create art that I find enriching and valuable to myself or to others. 
(I acknowledge that the definitions of enriching and valuable are subjective.)
Marginalized voices are essential. They must be heard. They must be listened to. 
I wish to be heard. But I am also one who must listen. 
Sometimes art can simply exist to make you smile. 
Art that may be difficult to understand is not bad art. 
Risk is exciting. So is safety. 
I want to be an artist who can hold all of these ideas within and make them at peace. These ideas conflict. They circle around each other, sparring and questioning. 
I want to foster an environment that leads to the forming of a strong and happy ensemble, full of creativity and camaraderie.
I want to ensure the safety of everyone in any room.
I want everyone to feel seen and heard and have the space to inform the rest of our team of any struggles or stressors they are feeling in their lives. 

I want to encourage everyone to leave what they can outside of our space. When they can. 
I want to make sure that everyone is uplifted and supported in our space. 
I want to be a collaborator. 
I want to ask questions. 
I want to provide answers. 
I want to continue to learn every day. 

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